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Monday, 24 February 2014


Fuzzing is a software testing technique, often automated or semi-automated, that
involves providing invalid, unexpected, or random data to the inputs of a computer program. The program is then monitored for exceptions such as crashes, or failing built-in code assertions or for finding potential memory leaks. Fuzzing technique is commonly used to test for security problems in software or computer systems ans also used to discover coding errors and security loopholes in software, operating systems
or networks by inputting massive amounts of random data, called fuzz, to the system
 in an attempt to make it crash. If a vulnerability is found, a tool called a fuzz tester (or fuzzer), indicates potential causes.

There are two forms of fuzzing program; mutation-based and generation-based, which can be employed as white-, grey- or black-box testing. File formats and network protocols are the most common targets of testing, but any type of program input can
be fuzzed. Interesting inputs include environment variables, keyboard and mouse events, and sequences of API calls. Even items not normally considered "input" can be fuzzed, such as the contents of databases, shared memory, or the precise interleaving
of threads.

A fuzzer would try combinations of attacks on:

- numbers (signed/unsigned integers/float...)

- chars (urls, command-line inputs)

- metadata : user-input text (id3 tag)

- pure binary sequences

Fuzzing  best work for problems that can cause a program to crash, such as buffer overflow, cross-site scripting, denial of service attacks, format bugs and SQL injection. These schemes are often used by malicious hackers intent on wreaking the greatest possible amount of havoc in the least possible time. Fuzz testing is less effective for dealing with security threats that do not cause program crashes, such as spyware,
some viruses, worms, Trojans and keyloggers.


Fuzzing Tools:

UniOFuzz 0.1.2-beta - Universal Fuzzing Tool
UniOFuzz version 0.1.2-beta - the universal fuzzing tool for browsers, web services, files, programs and network services/ports released by nullsecurity team.


Basic Fuzzing Framework (BFF) based on Linux & Mac OSX Fuzzer Tool

The CERT Basic Fuzzing Framework (BFF) is a software testing tool that finds defects in applications that run on the Linux and Mac OS X platforms. BFF performs mutational fuzzing on software that consumes file input. (Mutational fuzzing is the act of taking well-formed input data and corrupting it in various ways, looking for cases that cause crashes.) The BFF automatically collects test cases that cause software to crash in unique ways, as well as debugging information associated with the crashes. The goal of BFF is to minimize the effort required for software vendors and security researchers to efficiently discover and analyze security vulnerabilities found via fuzzing.


Forensic Tools

Unhide : To find processes hidden by rootkits:

Unhide is a forensic tool to find processes hidden by rootkits, Linux kernel modules or by other techniques. It detects hidden processes using six techniques:

    Compare /proc vs /bin/ps output
    Compare info gathered from /bin/ps with info gathered by walking thru the procfs. ONLY for Linux 2.6 version
    Compare info gathered from /bin/ps with info gathered from syscalls (syscall scanning).
    Full PIDs space ocupation (PIDs bruteforcing). ONLY for Linux 2.6 version
    Compare /bin/ps output vs /proc, procfs walking and syscall. ONLY for Linux 2.6 version
    Reverse search, verify that all thread seen by ps are also seen in the kernel.
    6- Quick compare /proc, procfs walking and syscall vs /bin/ps output. ONLY for Linux 2.6 version.


Hashbot Online Forensic Web Tool

Hashbot is a forensic web tool to acquire and validate, over time, the status of an individual web page or web document.
Acquire: Insert the URL to acquire, select your favorite user agent (default is Firefox) and click on submit. Wait for creating process finish and download the zip archive.

Validate: Unzip the archive downloaded by the creation service, open the <code>-code.txt file and use the "Validate Info" section to fill in the validation form. Click on submit and wait for the server response.

Registry Decoder - Digital Forensics Tool

Digital forensics deals with the analysis of artifacts on all types of digital devices.
 One of the most prevalent analysis techniques performed is that of the registry
hives contained in Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Registry Decoder was developed with the purpose of providing a single tool for the acquisition, analysis, and reporting of registry contents.


Rifiuti v1.0

A Recycle Bin Forensic Analysis Tool.

Many important files within Microsoft Windows have structures that are

One of the principals of computer forensics is that all analysis methodologies must be well documented and repeatable, and they must have an acceptable margin of error. Currently, there are a lack of open source methods and tools that forensic analysts
can rely upon to examine the data found in proprietary Microsoft files.

Many computer crime investigations require the reconstruction of a subject's
Recycle Bin. Since this analysis technique is executed regularly, we researched the structure of the data found in the Recycle Bin repository files (INFO2 files). Rifiuti,
the Italian word meaning
"trash", was developed to examine the contents of the INFO2 file in the Recycle Bin.
The foundation of Rifiuti's examination methodology is presented in the white paper located here. Rifiuti will parse the information in an INFO2 file and output the results
in a field delimited manner so that it may be imported into your favorite spreadsheet program. Rifiuti is built to work on multiple platforms and will execute on Windows (through Cygwin), Mac OS X,

Linux, and *BSD platforms.

rifiuti [options] <filename>
-t Field Delimiter (TAB by default)

Example Usage:
[kjones:rifiuti/rifiuti_20030410_1/bin] kjones% ./rifiuti INFO2 > INFO2.txt

Open INFO2.txt as a TAB delimited file in MS Excel to further sort and filter your



Its identifies and fingerprints network devices by silent network monitoring or by processing data from PCAP files.

NetSleuth is an opensource network forensics and analysis tool, designed for triage in incident response situations. It can identify and fingerprint network hosts and devices from pcap files captured from Ethernet or WiFi data (from tools like Kismet).  It is a free network monitoring, cyber security and network forensics analysis (NFAT) tool


Bug TraQ

Bugtraq system offers the most comprehensive distribution, optimal, stable and automatic security to date. Bugtraq is a distribution based on the 2.6.38 kernel has a wide range of penetration and forensic tools. Bugtraq can be installed from a Live DVD or USB drive, the distribution is customized to the last package, configured and updated the kernel. The kernel has been patched for better performance to recognize a variety of hardware, including wireless injection patches pentesting that other distributions do not recognize.
  • Patching the kernel 2.6.38 to recognize 4 gigs of RAM in 32-bit.
  •  Tools perfectly configured, automated installation scripts and tools like Nessus, OpenVAS, Greenbone, Nod32, Hashcat, Avira, BitDefender, ClamAV, Avast, AVG, etc...
  • Unique Scripts from Bugtraq-Team (SVN updates tools, delete tracks, backdoors, Spyder-sql, etc.


Hex Workshop

The Hex Workshop Hex Editor is a set of hexadecimal development tools for Microsoft
Windows, combining advanced binary editing with the ease and flexibility of a word processor. With Hex Workshop you can
Edit, cut, copy, paste, insert, and delete of Hex Script.

Hex values can be grouped by 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 bytes.
Search using Hex Strings (including wildcards).
Find and replace by Hex Strings, Text, Strings or values.
Sector edit partitions or physical disks.
Checksum either entire document or a selection.
Arithmetic operations: +, -, *, /, %, ().
C/C++ Plug-in API.
Hex/Decimal calculator supporting: +,-,*,/,|,&,^,<<,>>, ~



Helix is more on the forensics and incident response side than the networking or pen-testing side. Still a very useful tool to carry.

Helix is a customized distribution of the Knoppix Live Linux CD. Helix is more than just a bootable live CD. You can still boot into a customized Linux environment that includes customized linux kernels, excellent hardware detection and many applications dedicated to Incident Response and Forensics.


Hiren’s BootCD 14.1

All in One Bootable CD which has all utilities..


Firefox Imp. Addons

3D in your browser! FoxTab brings innovative 3D functionality to your Firefox.

New! Top Sites for FoxTab (aka Speed Dial).
Now you can access your most favorite sites from the familiar FoxTab interface.

FoxTab is a popular 3D tab management extension.
FoxTab powers Firefox with the following main features:
  ✔ Top Sites (aka Speed Dial) for quickly accessing your favorite web sites.
  ✔ Tab Flipper – to easily flip between opened tabs using mouse or keyboard gestures.
  ✔ Recently Closed Tabs – for reopening a tab that was recently closed.

Choose between 6 attractive 3D layouts.

Download Link:



Allows you to customize the way a webpage displays using small bits of JavaScript. ...!!

Download Link:


Use tamperdata to view and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers and post parameters...

Use tamperdata to view and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers and post parameters.

Trace and time http response/requests.

Security test web applications by modifying POST parameters.

FYI current version of Google Web Accelerator is incompatible with the tampering function of TamperData. Your browser will crash.

Download Link:

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a common flaw found in todays web applications. XSS flaws can cause serious damage to a web application. Detecting XSS vulnerabilities early in the development process will help protect a web application from unnecessary flaws. XSS-Me is the Exploit-Me tool used to test for reflected XSS vulnerabilities.

Download Link:

Sparky is Alexa Internet's free Firefox status bar plugin. Sparky accompanies you as you surf, providing you with Alexa data about the sites you visit without interrupting your browsing.

Discover website traffic trends -- Is this site getting more popular, or less?

Get detailed traffic information including Reach and Rank -- How does this site's traffic compare to other sites on the Web?

Surf more efficiently with Related Links for each page -- If I like this site, are there others that I might want to visit?

Gracefully navigate past dead end error pages -- Enable Sparky's optional custom error handling to get relevant alternative links when your browser encounters a network error.
Plus, as you browse with Sparky, you're helping to make the Web a better place for everybody by contributing to the traffic information that Alexa provides.

Download Link:

SQL Injection vulnerabilites can cause a lot of damage to a web application. A malicious user can possibly view records, delete records, drop tables or gain access to your server. SQL Inject-Me is Firefox Extension used to test for SQL Injection vulnerabilities.
SQL Inject Me is the Exploit-Me tool used to test for SQL Injection vulnerabilities.

The tool works by submitting your HTML forms and substituting the form value with strings that are representative of an SQL Injection attack.
The tool works by sending database escape strings through the form fields. It then looks for database error messages that are output into the rendered HTML of the page.

The tool does not attempting to compromise the security of the given system. It looks for possible entry points for an attack against the system. There is no port scanning, packet sniffing, password hacking or firewall attacks done by the tool.

Download Link:


This toolbar will help you in testing sql injections, XSS holes and site security. It is NOT a tool for executing standard exploits and it will NOT teach you how to hack a site. Its main purpose is to help a developer do security audits on his code. If you know what your doing, this toolbar will help you do it faster. If you want to learn to find security holes, you can also use this toolbar, but you will probably also need a book, a lot of Google and a brain :)

# The advantages are:

- Even the most complicated urls will be readable
- The focus will stay on the textarea, so after executing the url (Ctrl+Enter) you can just go on typing / testing
- The url in textarea is not affected by redirects.
- I tend to use it as a notepad :)
- Useful tools like on the fly uu/url decoding etc.
- All functions work on the currently selected text.
- MD5/SHA1/SHA256 hashing
- MySQL/MS SQL Server/Oracle shortcuts
- XSS useful functions
- And lots more ;) Go test it!

# Shortcuts

- Load url ( Alt + A )
- Split url ( Alt + S )
- Execute ( Alt + X, Ctrl + Enter )
- INT -1 ( Alt - )
- INT +1 ( Alt + )
- HEX -1 ( Ctrl Alt - )
- HEX +1 ( Ctrl + Alt + )
- MD5 Hash ( Alt + M )
- MySQL CHAR() ( Alt + Y )
- MS SQL Server CHAR() ( Alt + Q )

Download Link:

Facebook Tricks

How To Trace Your Facebook Profile Visitors

Now here we found who recently visited your profile.
Follow below steps for get to know your FB recent visitors

Step 1) Go to your Facebook Profile Page.
Step 2) Now Press Ctrl + U from your keyboard for see source code of your profile page.
Step 3) Now press Ctrl + F from your keyboard to open search box.
Step 4) Now search this code {"list":
Step 5) You find some Facebook Profile Ids are like shown below. Click on example image for zoom.

Step 6) There are some Facebook Profile Ids of your friends who visited recently.
Step 7) The first one ID's are showing visits the most number of time.
Step 8) Now if your want to findout, Open a new tab Enter below link : Profile Id
For Example :
Enjoy The Trick.. :)
  We usually send friend requests and if it's not accepted it is kept in pending.
If  there are lots of pending requests it may lead to block.
So this is a simple way to get those requests cancelled and protect your account from being blocked.

    Follow below steps :-

    1. Go to account settings.
    2. Select `download a copy` option.

    3. Choose `expanded archive` from the next page opened and enter your   password and click continue.
    4. Select `start my archive`.
    5. After a few hours you'll get the download link in your email.
    5. Download the file `facebook` and unzip it.
    6. Open the folder html and then `friend_requests.htm­l`.
    7. You can see the list of your friend requests and pending lists.
    Now goto their accounts and click`cancel request.

    That's all You are done now. Your account is safe.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


A tool developed by hackers that is used to perform malicious attacks on computer systems. They are usually scripts that are designed to exploit weaknessness in software over a network, most commonly the Internet. Zero-Day is a common type of exploit.

Zero-Day Exploits
Called either Day Zero or Zero-Day, it is an exploit that takes advantage of a security vulnerability on the same day that the vulnerability becomes publicly or generally known. Zero-Day exploits are usually posted by well-known hacker groups. Software companies may issue a security bulletin or advisory when the exploit becomes known, but companies may not be able to offer a patch to fix the vulnerability for some time after.

An exploit (from the same word in the French language, meaning "achievement", or "accomplishment") is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software, hardware, or something electronic (usually computerised). This frequently includes such things as gaining control of a computer system or allowing privilege escalation or a denial of service attack.

There are several methods of classifying exploits. The most common is by how the exploit contacts the vulnerable software. A 'remote exploit' works over a network and exploits the security vulnerability without any prior access to the vulnerable system. A 'local exploit' requires prior access to the vulnerable system and usually increases the privileges of the person running the exploit past those granted by the system administrator. Exploits against client applications also exist, usually consisting of modified servers that send an exploit if accessed with client application. Exploits against client applications may also require some interaction with the user and thus may be used in combination with social engineering method. This is the hacker way of getting into computers and websites for stealing data.

In computing, an exploit is an attack on a computer system, especially one that takes advantage of a particular vulnerability that the system offers to intruders. Used as a verb, the term refers to the act of successfully making such an attack.

In Exploit another classification is by the action against vulnerable system: unauthorized data access, arbitrary code execution, denial of service.

Many crackers (or hackers, if you prefer that term) take pride in keeping tabs of such exploits and post their exploits (and discovered vulnerabilities) on a Web site to share with others.

Where an exploit takes advantage of a weakness in an operating system or vended application program, the owners of the system or application issue a "fix" or patch in response. Users of the system or application are responsible for obtaining the patch, which can usually be downloaded from the Web. Failure to install a patch for a given problem exposes the user to a security breach. (However, it can be difficult to keep up with all the required patches.)

Many exploits are designed to provide superuser-level access to a computer system. However, it is also possible to use several exploits, first to gain low-level access, then to escalate privileges repeatedly until one reaches root.

Normally a single exploit can only take advantage of a specific software vulnerability. Often, when an exploit is published, the vulnerability is fixed through a patch and the exploit becomes obsolete for newer versions of the software. This is the reason why some blackhat hackers do not publish their exploits but keep them private to themselves or other crackers. Such exploits are referred to as 'zero day exploits' and to obtain access to such exploits is the primary desire of unskilled attackers, often nicknamed script kiddies.

Script Kiddie

A person, normally someone who is not technologically sophisticated, who randomly seeks out a specific weakness over the Internet in order to gain root access to a system without really understanding what it is s/he is exploiting because the weakness was discovered by someone else. A script kiddie is not looking to target specific information or a specific company but rather uses knowledge of a vulnerability to scan the entire Internet for a victim that possesses that vulnerability.
The vast majority of the "hacker" underground is made up of people who have only been using computers for a few years and who really know comparatively little about them. These are people, usually kids, who are attracted by the seemingly magical powers that hacking gives them. Since they know so little about computers, they don't really known how to hack themselves but instead follow recipes or "scripts" developed by real hackers. Most of these scripts are easy-to-use programs whereby the "script-kiddy" simply enters the IP address of the victim.
One of the distinguishing features of script-kiddies is that they must have a lot of patience. Because security holes are quickly found and repaired, most systems will resist most attacks. Therefore, if the script-kiddy is targeting a single system, they have to find a lot of scripts to try against the system before they find one that works. More commonly, the script-kiddies downloads one of the most recently developed scripts and proceeds to run it against targets all throughout the Internet until they find someone who is vulnerable to that specific script.
You can get update exploits from

Email Hacking

Do U Think If Your Email Can Not Been Hackable, Then You Are Wrong...
Ur Email-ID Can Be Hack... But Its Can Be Hack Only Fault by User.. Most Of The Peoples Think That Their Has A Software to Hack A Email- ID's But Truth Is Their Is No Software Present For Hacking Ur Mail ID's..

Email Hacking can be possible to many ways like:-
1. Social Engineering

2.Phishing Attacks

3. Cookie Hijacking

4. By Keyloggers

Social Engineering:
This Process is defined as Hack the human mind without any tools...
This has become one of the hottest topics today and it seems to work out most of the times. Social Engineering doesn’t deal with the network security issues, vulnerabilities, exploits, etc. It just deals with simple Psychological tricks that help to get the information we want.
This really works!! But it requires a lot of patience.
We are all talking about network security and fixing the vulnerabilities in networks.
 But what happens if some internal person of a network accidentally gives out the passwords. After all
we are all humans; we are also vulnerable and can be easily
 exploited and compromised than the computers.

Social Engineering attacks have become most common during the chat sessions.
With the increase in use of Instant Messengers, any anonymous person may have a
chat with another any where in the world. The most crucial part of this attack is to
win the trust of the victim.

Phishing Attack:
The act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surroundering private information that will be used for identity theft. The e-mail directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the legitimate organization already has. The Web site, however, is bogus and set up only to steal the user’s information.

Cookie Hijacking:
In cookie hijacking we can hack email accounts very easily.. This trick is very
 dangereous because whenever user change a password then there is no need to
 attacker for again hack Email- ID of victim.
And it would take you to inbox of victim's yahoo account without asking for any password of victim account.

Keylogger is a software program or hardware device that is used to monitor and log
each of the keys a user types into a computer keyboard. The user who installed the program or hardware device can then view all keys typed in by that user. Because
these programs and hardware devices monitor the keys typed in a user can easily
find user passwords and other information a user may not wish others to know about.

Keyloggers, as a surveillance tool, are often used by employers to ensure employees
 use work computers for business purposes only. Unfortunately, keyloggers can also
 be embedded in spyware allowing your information to be transmitted to an unknown third party.

Cookie Hijacking:

U Can Hack Yahoo Account by Cookies Stealing or Hijacking From Browser.

Follow Steps and Learn it.
This is very Simple Tutorial and 100% Tested..!!..

Step 1: Download the Script on given link

Step:2 Download and extract files into your hard drive.
Step:3 Create a account in any ftp hosting site i suggested
Step4: Login to your account and upload 4 files into your ftp account.

Step5: Give this  code to victim to run in his browser when he would be logged in to his yahoo account. Yahoo.php is basically cookie stealing script and hacked.php executes the stolen cookies in browser.
Stolen cookies get stored in directory 'cookies'


He would again redirected to his yahoo account.

Step6. Open the hacked.php . The password is 'hoc'.

You must have got the username of victim's account. Simply Click on it and it would take you to inbox of victim's yahoo account without asking for any password of victim account.

By Keylogger:

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